The Anatomy of a Perfect Landing Page

First of all, we should consider the fact that a website is highly emblematic of the type of entity it represents. Accordingly, the structure and anatomy of an ideal landing can vary broadly in consistence with the brand it embodies. For instance, an Ecommerce website will have a widely different landing page than that of a blog.

However, there are certain common factors behind a generic landing page. Staying true to them will give you a streamlined insight over the anatomy of a perfect landing page.

#Step_1: Get Your Header Right

Firstly, you need to assert your value proposition in a header as clearly as possible. If you can’t seize their attention in the headline, you are bound to fail. According to studies, around 80% of people visiting your website will read your headline but will not read the rest of the copy on the page. Therefore, your header needs to be concise, bold, clear, and interesting. Only then you will manage your visitors to go through the rest of your landing page.

#Step_2: Incorporate Visuals to Focus on

When a visitor arrives on a landing page there’s a shockingly short window in which that visitor decides to stick around or leave. The window is near about 3 seconds. And it is often comically dubbed as the 3-second litmus test.

The bottom line is, you need interesting visuals to focus the audiences’ minds on. The moment someone goes through a headline, you have to clutch their attention with a visual. And it will keep them going on. Using blocks consisting of only texts and no visuals to company them can cost you.

#Step_3: Feature & Benefits

The next thing you want is to describe the features and benefits. Now make no mistake, features and benefits are two different things. A feature is what you sell a customer. On the other hand, the benefit is how the feature serves a purpose to the customer. It is important to outline what you are selling yet it is more powerful to mention why they should buy it. And there has to have a story. Because the brand message is best delivered to the subconscious.

#Step_4: Proper Call to Action

In step one; you’ve stated what you are. Step two is about holding their attention. Step three taught them why they need you. Now in step four, we give them the call to action. The subscription, buy now, call now, learn more, call to action has many forms. Your goal defines the form of the call to action button you will implement on your website.

Additional Tips:

#Tip_1: Sub Headers

Incorporate proper subheaders. When a visitor starts reading your text content subheaders become as important as the header itself. The subheaders need to be catchy as well as representative of the block of content it heralds.

#Tip_2: Focus Keyword

You need to incorporate the focus keyword in the header, first paragraph of text content, one or two of subheaders, and in image alt attributes.

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